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26040 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-02-14
Final date -
Days in captivity82
SpeciesBADO - Barred owl
Fracture - femur, left
Ocular - chorioretinitis, OD
Ocular - chorioretinitis, OS

Cause of injury: HBC suspect

Active patient
Finder present at release

Received pins 2/16 Gave boots 2/21 Pins removed 3/29

Found in Salisbury,NC
Rowan county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate8215.401262.80
Surgery, major11250.001250.00
Fecal exam262.00124.00
Total  10256.80

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images



































2024-05-05 17:34 BW/KL
Leftovers: 0
Food: 68 g m
Exercise: 14-16x
Am I placing both feet evenly?

BAR perched
Feet mostly appear even when perched.
May be slightly splayed

2024-05-04 16:28 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 65 g m
Release eval by staff
Am I placing both feet evenly?

BARP, flew with little encouragement. Needs somewhere longer if possible to give more length for gliding. Otherwise, flight looks great. NOLO.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
increase exercise to 14-16x

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-05-04
Examiner - MS
Flew 19x total with little encouragement. Flying high and even, but bird seems to need longer enclosure to get better glides. Otherwise, ready to go.

2024-05-03 16:29 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 65 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8-10x
Am I placing both feet evenly? - yes

Exercised 7x, refused after. No glide but otherwise good. NOLO.

2024-05-02 15:10 kk/rb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 68 g m
Exercise: 8-10x. flew 10x well
Am I placing both feet evenly? yes

Barp nolo

2024-05-01 12:18 RTS/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g m (+ vit + Ca)
BAR, Perching, Exercised: 8x, both feet placed evenly, NoLo

2024-04-30 14:06 kk/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g m
Exercise: 8-10x. Flew 10x well.
Am I placing both feet evenly? Did not appear to be any issues with feet.


2024-04-29 15:56 rf/RMB

Food: 64 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10x
BARP, NOLO, flew 10x well, noted to clutch right foot closer to body during flight and let left foot hang, perching evenly, but is uneven while landing

2024-04-28 17:28 BW/KL
Leftovers: 0
Food: 62 g m
Exercise: 8-10x
Am I placing both feet evenly?

BAR perched
Exercised 8x
Appeared to be placing feet evenly

2024-04-27 13:50 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g m

BARP, feisty in hand. NOLO. Grabbed for Bird Handling Training.

2024-04-26 10:50 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 856 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +1 g (0 %)
Food: 60 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Vet check: Radiographs, check leg and feet
Radiograph: Follow-up rads
Keel check
Am I placing both feet evenly?

BARP, flew p2p multiple times, very good at avoiding the net. NOLO seen.

According to staff bird is BAR and flying well.
Anesthestized for final radiographs.
Bony alignment still looks good. I have been concerned that the cortices of the bone on either fracture fragment have always appeared bright and never seemed to be incorporated into the callous. However, the callous palpates extremely solid, small and very slightly unaligned, so I am assuming it is fine.
The functional decreased length of the left leg is barely perceptable - extension seems good.

There is now a scab on the right foot digit 1 - it appears to be healing. There is also a small scab on digit 2. Since he seems to be using both feet evenly, we suspect that the change in perching and increased flight will help. No intervention for feet at this time, recheck in 1 week (staff - I will not be here). Dr Gardner

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
increase exercise

2024-04-25 16:07 jb/bwAO
Leftovers: 0
Food: 69 g m
Exercise: 6-8x
Am I placing both feet evenly?
BARP. Exercised without hesitation,appears to use both feet well.

2024-04-24 12:34 RTS/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food:63 g m (+ vit + Ca)
BAR, Exercised:8x, Perched, NoLo

2024-04-23 16:15 lkm/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g m/ck
Am I placing both feet evenly?

BARP, clacky, flew up to ceilng then landed on other perch, using both feet evenly, flew from perch to perch 2x and used both feet, NOLO

2024-04-23 10:06 AO

Exercise: 7x
Am I placing both feet evenly?

Bird flew to other perchas soon as I stepped inside. Hung upside down for a little after it did not land on the perch. Both feet were placed evenly. Water was changed.

2024-04-22 16:42 bw/rf
Leftovers: 0
Food: 68 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8x
Am I placing both feet evenly?
BARP, NOLO, perching with both legs evenly, flew into ceiling once while doing laps

2024-04-21 16:15 BW/KG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 63g M
Exercise: 6x in rain
QARP, was hard to see on perch. Seemed extra flappy, didn't really glide at all and did complete laps instead of landing on the other side of the enclosure 4 out of 6x. Feet seemed fine. NOLO.

2024-04-20 15:07 Dr G/ MS
Weight: 855 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +1 g (0 %)
Food: 66 g ck
Check eyes: OS
Wound care/bandage change: R foot bandage
Move to - Somewhere bigger - F9?
Am I placing both feet evenly?

Bird is BAR, flyin very actively, perching appears even.
Removed corn pad - there are some red marks on R digit 1, but I wonder if they are from the adhesive. The toe itself does not seem swollen, hot, or any wider than L digit 1.
Decided to leave unwrapped and move to a larger habitat. This bird also tends to swoop up on people and grip the walls, so perhaps this is causing a bit of impact to the toe.
Recheck toe 4/26 and make plan going forward. Dr Gardner


----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
start light exercise

2024-04-19 11:43 ME/kjd
Leftovers: 0
Food: (+ vit + Ca)
Am I placing both feet evenly? YES Is my R foot bandage still on? YES
flew around

2024-04-18 12:58 mgs/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60g m

Feet look evenly placed. R foot bandage still on.
BAR and perched.

2024-04-17 12:55 bt/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 67g ck (+ vit + Ca)
QARP, flew from perch to perch
Standing on both feet evenly, Bandage in place and looked clean

2024-04-16 16:03 MS
Weight: 854 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +2 g (0 %)
Wound care/bandage change: R foot bandage
Am I placing both feet evenly? Is my R foot bandage still on?: Bandage was still in tact.

Bird was flying laps around enclosure. Brought inside for bandage change. Foot still looks about the same, might even be some wear on the center of the plantar surface. Decided to rebandage for now, but at this point, bird likely needs to move to a larger space. Changed band to L leg since R foot has tape around ankle.

2024-04-15 16:10 sc/srm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 57g m (+ vit + Ca)

qar, perched,flying around, bandage still on right foot, seemingly placing feet well no seeming trouble

2024-04-14 16:19 bw/kl
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g m
Am I placing both feet evenly? Is my R foot bandage still on?

R foot bandage is still in place. Both feet are slightly uneven under body,
but does not seem to pose a limitation.Very subtle uneveness.

2024-04-13 15:48 MS
Weight: 852 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: -9 g (1 %)
Food: 65 g m
Radiograph: Follow-up rads. Send to Dr. G
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly
Check bottom of feet when handling

BAR, flew around. Anesthetized under 3% iso for follow-up rads. Rads show gret alignment of L femur ventral/dorsal, femur shortened. Some concern about planta surface of RD1, looks worse than when I last saw on 3/29. Consulted Dr. G and decided to put a corn pad on R foot with medical tape. Cere wound healed. Recovery from ane slow but uneventful. NOLO. Sprayed down gravel and walls a bit. When let go, bird perched perfectly. Recheck bandage in 3 days.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Remove staff grab only note

2024-04-12 16:37 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g ck(+ vit + Ca)

NOLO, QARP- circled around enclosure and flew perch to perch

2024-04-11 15:38 bw/ah
Leftovers: 0
Food: fed 68 g m/ck. BAR and perched upon arrival. Bird flew around in circles a few times, landing on both feed equally.
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

2024-04-10 11:13 RTS/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 62 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.30 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

BAR, Perching, Flying, NoLo

2024-04-09 16:25 LKM/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 67 g m
Meloxicam: 0.30 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

BARP, using both feet on perch, flew around enclosure, landing on both perches and using both feet, NOLO

2024-04-08 16:27 sc/srm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.30 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly
Qar, flew well , nolo, no noticable problem with standing on both feet

2024-04-07 19:00 kg/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.30 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Right foot even uder body; Left foot splays away from center. Feet are unevenly perched.

2024-04-06 17:00 TM/MS
Leftovers: 34
Food: 30g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

flew back and forth between perches
did not tuck wings in when perched

34 g m LOs

2024-04-06 15:49 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 861 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: -44 g (5 %)
Food: 35 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

Evaluated in habitat - very aggressive, circles a lot. Flying well, to me looks like for the most part he is perching normally and using both feet evenly.
Feet look quiet, some very superficial older wounds.
Pin sites healed.
Radiograph in 1 week. Dr Gardner

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to SID starting tomorrow

2024-04-05 16:32 mb/cd
Leftovers: 37
Food: 32 g m(+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
37 g LO ck- BARP, flew from back perch to front and circled around the middle of enclosure

2024-04-05 09:46 me/cs
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR P->P, perching evenly

2024-04-04 16:32 KK/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 34 g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO


2024-04-04 14:54 MS

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
continue melox

2024-04-04 09:14 ME/mkf
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

BAR, flew between perches several times.
Left foot skewed outward from body center, most weight appears to be on right leg.

2024-04-03 16:48 JH/BW
Leftovers: 35
Food: 33 g ck (+ vit + Ca)

BARP, flew perch to perch 4x while i dropped food and collected LO
LO 35g m

2024-04-03 10:15 EA/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g m (+ vit + Ca)

BAR, perched, flew twice around enclosure (back perch to back perch without landing on other perch)

Feet placed evenly

2024-04-02 16:25 LKM/BW
Leftovers: 35
Food: 34 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

BARP, flying all around enclosure, flew up to ceiling, defensive, LO 35 g

2024-04-02 09:00 eg/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

flying back and forth good, as well as landing

2024-04-01 16:42 jh/bw/srm
Leftovers: 35
Food: 40 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

qar,perched,nothing of note

2024-04-01 08:50 eb/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

flew 2x from perch to perch
appeared to put even weight on both feet when perched

2024-03-31 17:55 bw/kg
Leftovers: 32
Food: 37 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, flew at door. LOs = 32g

2024-03-31 11:40 cd/fm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 34g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

flying around cage. appeared to be standing evenly on legs when perched.

2024-03-30 16:18 DG/MS
Leftovers: 38
Food: 30 g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

BAR, perched, flew between perches a few times, 1 ck 38g LO

2024-03-30 09:27 mm/cd
Leftovers: 28
Food: 38 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly - looked fine.
Flew around enclosure when volunteer was there. BARP.

2024-03-29 17:03 MB/CD

Food: 29 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.30 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-03-29 12:40 MS/Dr. G
Weight: 905 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: -34 g (4 %)
Food: 61 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Check daily to make sure placing feet evenly

BARP, flew p2p nonstop, difficult to catch. Forgot to give melox in food, so will get a chick with meds in it later. NOLO.

Anesthetized with Isoflurane for radiographs.
Femur fracture appears calloused and fairly well-aligned.
Moved to surgery to pull pins. Cleaned around each pin exit w/ Betadine, then clipped off the supporting bar. Pulled cross pins w/ little effort, IM pin took a little more effort because of the bend but it came out smoothly.
Retook radiographs after pins came out - there is some overriding which may cause a slight shortening of that leg. There are tiny sores on the bottom of the right foot that need to be monitored - hopefully he will be using both legs evenly, staff has not percieved a problem.
Moved back out - he was bearing less weight on the L leg initially but then placed it more evenly.
Will put on Meloxicam for a few days in case there is some inflammation from the pin removal.
Check daily to make sure placing weight evenly.
Recheck radiographs 4/06 and check bottom of feet. Dr Gardner

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
start BID melox

2024-03-28 16:12 jb/sc
Leftovers: 28
Food: 64 g m)
BARP and flying quite well
28g LO

2024-03-27 16:48 cd
Leftovers: 21
Food: 64 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Wound care/bandage change: Apply triple antibiotic to pin sites; report change or abnormal finding

Flying perch to perch. 21g LO removed. Pin sites look very clean - one was gunked with feathers but after removing them the actual site looked very clean, think it was just the triple antibiotic that matted the downy feathers around it.

2024-03-26 16:00 LKM/BW
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g m

BARP, flew from perch to perch as soon as I entered, NOLO

2024-03-25 16:42 sc/me/srm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60g ck (+ vit + Ca)
bar, antsy, kept flying back and forth between perches,through food in

2024-03-24 16:59 bw/kl
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g m
Wound care/bandage change: Apply triple antibiotic to pin sites; report change or abnormal finding


2024-03-24 10:48 ME/FM
Weight: 939 grams
Weight change: +30 g (3 %)
Flying well
Perching well, maybe not putting quite as much wt on L leg
Pins clean - applied Triple AB ointment

2024-03-23 15:44 DG/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g ck

BAR, perched, flew between perches 2 times, NOLO

2024-03-22 16:43 BW/LT
Leftovers: 0
Food: 61 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

very alert and active, flew from perch to perch multiple times with no noticable issues.
No leftovers

2024-03-21 16:16 kk/rb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO


2024-03-21 12:17 RMB

Wound care/bandage change: Apply triple antibiotic to pin sites; report change or abnormal finding

Cleaned and put triple antibiotic, looks great.

2024-03-20 11:23 RTS/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 68 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR, Fying, Perching. NOLO.

2024-03-19 17:00 SK/BW
Leftovers: 26
Food: 64 g m/ck
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

LO 26 ck on perch. willing flier. wings make flap sounds and sliht whistle.

2024-03-18 17:16 bw/sc
Leftovers: 0
Food:70 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Wound care/bandage change: Applied triple antibiotic to pin sites
All sites looked clean and no signs of infection. Removed a small crusty from a pin

Bird was perched and flying. Very alert. nolo

2024-03-17 14:10 JN/RMB
Leftovers: 27
Food: 65g ck
27g l/o ck; BAR
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-03-16 09:45 cs/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 70 g ck(+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Right wing held down

2024-03-15 18:30 rmb/lt
Leftovers: 40
Food: 37 g m - (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Flew back and forth between perches multiple times with no noticable issues and now grounding/ clinging.
40 g m leftover collected

2024-03-15 13:12 Dr G/ME

Food: 38 g m - (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Wound care/bandage change: Apply triple antibiotic to pin sites; report change or abnormal finding
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

Bird is BAR. Per staff, using leg well and moving around well in condo.
Anesthetized for radiographs - it is hard to get a view on the VD, but on lateral radiograph healing looks great.
Since it has only been about 4 weeks opted to leave fixator on but try in a larger protected habitat. Cleaned pins well, applied triple antibiotic.
P: Check pins and apply triple antibiotic every 3 days. Report any concerning discharge, pain, or change.
Removal of fixator in 2 weeks.
Dr Gardner

2024-03-15 12:19 AO
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38 g m - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Wound care/bandage change: Apply triple antibiotic to pin sites; report change or abnormal finding
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

BAR, Perched. Was told to body grab and avoid legs which was done, but he was grabbing me with his legs and held on tightly. Would recommend to use longer gloves (not the brown ones) because he almost grabbed my arm. Was trashing around in blue box. NOLO and changed papers.

2024-03-15 12:19 Dr. G

2024-03-14 15:37 jbMS
Leftovers: 46
Food: 39 g m- PLACE ON PERCH IN A
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins! Pins OK

2024-03-14 09:15 MS/LM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g ck on perch
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, fiesty clacky flared up on perch, stable, couldnt really see legs bc leaning forward
changed papers

2024-03-13 15:43 JH/RMB
Leftovers: 35
Food: 35 g ck - ON PERCH(+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

BARP, facing back wall and went into defensive mode which made R wing droop extensively (almost to bottom of condo). no sign of messing with pins
LO 35 g (full chick from am on perch)

2024-03-13 09:25 ao
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35 g ck - PLACED ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, Perched. Was in defenssive position the whole time but did not move from where he was. Changed papers and NOLO. Left 3 pellets :)

2024-03-12 16:10 SK/BW
Leftovers: 0
Food: 39 g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

NOLO. started clacking as soon as feeder touched door. Draped rigt wing down to seem bigger (right side facing feeder)

2024-03-12 09:20 ms/ae
Leftovers: 0
Food: 41 g m - PLACED ON PERCH IN AM
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, bacing back, so r wing hangs down when facing me, could not observe pins
clacky, lots of mutes , changed papers

2024-03-11 15:44 RMB/SRM

Food: 37 g ck - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Bar, clicky, lo whole chick in back of cage no able to grab to weigh, perched

2024-03-11 09:40 bt/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g ck - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
QAR, perched with most weight on right leg
Bandage in place. looked good.
Wound care/bandage change: Bandage change if dirty, check pins, clean pin sites and apply triple antibiotic
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

2024-03-10 17:33 bw/kl
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38 g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

BAR perched
mutes present
Changed paper

2024-03-10 11:55 RMB/FLM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35-40 g m/ck - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

cleaned condo
could not see pins

2024-03-09 16:37 TM/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 41 g m
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

clacking and hissing

2024-03-09 08:50 bw/mm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g whole m - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins! - No messing seen.

2024-03-08 16:31 RMB/LT
Leftovers: 14
Food: 36 g whole m/ck - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

Very alert and responsive
14g m leftover collected
Food placed on perch

2024-03-08 10:55 Dr. G/ME
Weight: 909 grams, Keel score: 4.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +31 g (4 %)
Food: 40 g m c/u
Meloxicam: 0.32 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

BAR and per staff using both legs well to perch.
Anesthetized via mask to examine and clean pin sites.
Cleaned around pin sites w/ betadine and applied triple antibiotic. Pin sites look great - radiographs from Monday look fine as well.
Examined eyes - see notes. I think OD is pretty normal, OS has more scarring. If marked differently previously may be a mistake.

Will repeat radiographs next week - consider removing pins depending on how it looks.
Clean pin sites 3/11.
Lots of weight gain! Ok to switch to whole prey. Dr Gardner

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to whole food

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-03-08
Examiner - Dr. G
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
Possibly very mild streaking/ scarring, consider healed
Left eye:
Area of gray scarring dorsal to pecten and another ventral to pecten and slightly lateral to insertion.

2024-03-07 17:09 rb/ah
Leftovers: 0
Food: fed 39 g m; NOLO/ Perched upon arrival.
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

2024-03-07 09:43 mkf/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g c/u m
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!


BAR Perched, extended wings when pap changed.
Bandage appeared intact.

2024-03-06 16:09 JH/RMB
Leftovers: 8
Food: 41 g c/u ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, defensive, holding tail and L wing awkwardly but does not appear to be messing with pin, collected 2 small pellets
LO 8 g (mostly fur, wings)

2024-03-06 09:10 AO
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38g ck c/u (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, Perched. Wing was draped defensively which made it a little difficult for papers to be changed but it was done regardless.Pins seemed OK, couldn't get the best view since he was puffing up and not stayiing still. Food was placed on perch and NOLO.

2024-03-05 16:15 SK/BW
Leftovers: 12
Food: 36 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

LO 12g m
wing draped defensively - beak clacking defensively - perched

2024-03-05 09:09 eg/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 42 g c/u m -
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

was in defensive position so I was unable to see pins
left pellet
papers changed

2024-03-04 18:01 JH/RMB
Leftovers: 5
Food: 40 g c/u m(+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, holding tail/L wing weird but we think due to placement of pin.
clacky, no pellets, LO = 5 g

2024-03-04 12:36 RMB

Rads taken under 2.5 % ISO via mask.

2024-03-04 09:49 bt/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g c/u m - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Wound care/bandage change: Checked pins and all were very clean. No debris was around the pin sites nor any scabbing present.
Swelling present along the TBT

Bird was very alert and active in condo. Bitey and clacky

2024-03-03 16:30 BW/KG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40g c/u M
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, NOLO. Hissed/clucked at me.

2024-03-03 11:37 RDF/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38 g c/u m - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, NOLO, pins are intact and in place

2024-03-02 16:01 DG/BW
Leftovers: 0
Food: 39 g c/u ck
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR, perched, clacking, bandage looked to be in place,fresh mutes, NOLO

2024-03-02 12:07 cd/kmj
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g c/u m
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP - clacking and hissing and extending L wing while papers were changed

2024-03-01 16:44 mb/cd/lt
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35 g c/u m/ - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Vet check: Bandage change, check pins
Wound care/bandage change: Bandage change if dirty, check pins, clean pin sites and apply triple antibiotic
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

No leftovers
Very alert and active

2024-03-01 11:26 Dr G/ CD
Weight: 878 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +16 g (2 %)
Food: 38g m c/u
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, nolo, some crumbled pellets. changed papers

Quick anesthesia to check the external fixator. It feels very solid and the pin sites look great. There as been no migration of the pins that I can tell. I opted to just clean the pins and apply triple antibiotic.
P: OK to d/c oral antibiotics right now. Continue pin checks every 3-4 days. Dr Gardner

2024-02-29 16:54 jb/kk/rb
Leftovers: 0
Food:41 g c/u m - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

2024-02-29 10:10 me/lm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35g m/ck c/u on perch
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR clacky perched hopped on/off perch
Duct tape looked in place

2024-02-28 15:49 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g c/u m- PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

Perched in center, with wings back defensively
Body facing away from door, could not see pins

2024-02-28 11:40 RTS/RB

Lethargic Looking
Distorted L Wing
Food placed on Perch

2024-02-27 16:00 SK/BW
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g c/u m
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

left wing draped defensive mantling beak clacking

2024-02-27 09:40 AO
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g M/Ck C/U
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR, Perched. Clacky at first but then remained still. Food was left on perch with NOLO. Everything looks OK. Changed papers and found pellet :) Had a R wing droop bu may be defensive so check later.

2024-02-26 16:20 RMB/JH/SRM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 30 g ck - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

Bar, perched, defensive, boot still in place

2024-02-26 10:00 bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35g c/u m/ck - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

Perched and alert. Clacky. nolo and mutes present. Changed papers

Under 2.5% ISO and oxygen, cleaned pins with iodine and applied neosporin. Surgery site appeared clean and not irritated. Reinforced boots with more duct tape

2024-02-25 17:36 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g m c/u
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP and crouching to fly. NOLO. No bandage pieces seen on floor.

2024-02-25 11:15 RMB/FLM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 39 g ck
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

standing/perched both feet. wraps did not look disturbed.
refreshed condo.

2024-02-24 16:14 DG/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g c/u m

Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
BID: Fluids in R leg ONLY
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

BAR, perched, tried flying away, mutes present and a pellet, NOLO

2024-02-24 09:08 cd/jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40 g c/u m/ck
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

Doesnt appear to be messing with pins, boots in place
BAR, perched, NOLO
one pellet and lots of mutes but chose not to change paper as to not disturb

2024-02-23 16:05 mb/cd/lt
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40 g c/u m(+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

NOLO, BARP- clicking, hissing- perched, stayed in one spot

2024-02-23 14:18 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 862 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +7 g (1 %) WITH BANDAGES AND BOOTIES
Food: 37 g c/u m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

BAR, standing on ground with feet even and hopped around condo. Still trying to grab with booted feet. NOLO.

Sedated bandage change today. Did not remove most of vet wrap, it was nicely on there. I was considering a new piece of tape holding in IM pin but didn't do it, as it seems that he is not picking on the construct. Feels solid for now.
Cleaned pin sites, applied Neosporin
Critique of surgery - alignment is not perfect, but as good as I could make it with a pin small enough to bend.
Both cross pins penetrate distal cortex more than I would like. Hopefully this will not cause irritation to soft tissues or body wall.
Whole construct is too far away from body but I already knew that!
Left incision uncovered - it looks great.
Sedated checks and cleaning of the construct every 3-4 days. Using leg week but keep footies on for now. Will recheck briefly in 1 week. Continue all meds.
Eye exam the same as previous - I suspect older injury. Dr Gardner

2024-02-22 15:26 RMB/jb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35-40 g c/u m/ck - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)

Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

Check daily to make sure not messing with pins!

2024-02-22 09:35 LM/ME
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38g m c/u - on perch
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, clacky, standing right at door, half grabbed/lifted up to change towel
nolo so no fluids
placing some weight on L leg; shoes mostly intact - definitely picking; fixation still covered, appears intact

2024-02-21 16:00 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35 g c/u m - PLACE ON PERCH IN AM (+ vit + Ca)
SQ fluids: 25 cc, if not eating
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

Sat on ground in front of door with body facing right side and head facing door, hissing and clacking
very small bit of c/u food in back but could not reach with bird directly infront of door

2024-02-21 09:46 MS
Weight: 855 grams, Leftovers: 0
Food: ~35 g c/u ck on perch (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Radiograph: VD and L lat
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins! Pins were fine.

BAR, standing on platform next to condo door, not bearing total weight on L foot, toes slightly knuckled. Anesthetized under 3% iso for rads and wound care. Pin still in place, fx mobile. Cleaned pin sites with betadine, covered with SSD and reapplied telfa/tega bandage. R foot a bit pink, gave boots on both feet. Recovery from anesthesia uneventful. NOLO. A bit wobbly when put back, half standing. No food amount written on sheet. Weight is with bandaging.

2024-02-20 15:15 AO
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g M c/u
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, Perched. Food placed on perch. No pins seemed out of place. Clacky. NOLO

2024-02-20 09:30 ME/SC
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g c/u m
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins! Ex fix covered

BARP, NOLO. No wear on R foot pad.


2024-02-19 16:36 me

NOLO - food on perch trick worked, adjusted am treatments

2024-02-19 11:24 me

Standing in back of kennel
Had not eaten yet so placed food on perch for easy access

2024-02-19 09:15 eb/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40 g c/u m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.40 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Perched, BAR, putting weight on L leg
Pins and vetwrap/tape covering external fixator intact

2024-02-18 17:49 bw/kg
Leftovers: 32
Food: 41g c/u m
SQ fluids: 25 cc
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.40cc (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM

Bird was perched and clacky/hissy. Food from am appeared untouched so gave fluids.
Pins in L leg looked in place. When put back in kennel bird was able to stand normally

2024-02-18 14:50 bw

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------

Switched to tramadol BID starting tomorrow AM

2024-02-18 08:49 RMB/CR
Leftovers: 0
Food: 34 g c/u ck

Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.40 cc (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Check daily to make sure not messing with pins! - looks great, can see a couple of nibbles on chew tabs but nothing to worry about.

Very BARP, using leg and foot normally. NOLO

2024-02-17 17:59 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g c/u ck
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.40 cc (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, hissing, clacking. NOLO, did not give fluids. Pins were fine.

2024-02-17 08:51 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 39g m c/u (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.40 cc (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins! - looked untouched

NOLO, BARP, perched with both feet evenly! Pin site very bruised but clean, untouched, bandage intact. Drew blood from L ulnar vein for hematology class sampling, site clean afterwards, no external bleeding or hematoma. Perched w both feet when placed back.

2024-02-16 18:06 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g m c/u (+ vit + Ca)
SQ fluids: 25 cc
Clindamycin: 0.81 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.40 cc (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BID: Fluids in R leg ONLY
Check daily to make sure not messing with pins! - bandage and chew tabs look untouched

Perched - L foot not bearing weight/grabbing but resting on perch. Grabbed and kicked with both feet while handling. Placed back in kennel, leaned against side w/o bearing weight on l foot.

2024-02-16 13:20 Dr. G/MS/CD

See surgery report - femur fixation
I am not really happy with how far out the pins stick, but I had a hard time bending the IM pin any more.
Keep bandaged until Wednesday, please note that there is a piece of white tape going from the bent IM pin around the distal leg to prevent him from pulling it!

Continue pain meds until Wednesday and take radiographs, check pin sites, incision, overall patient.
Started on Clindamycin, continue for 2 weeks.
Check to see if he is messing with the ex-fix daily! Staff only!
Dr Gardner

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
start BID clinda

Surgery report
Procedure - Fracture repair - femur
Performed by - Dr Gardner
Surgery time - 60 minutes

Surgery performed in R lateral recumbency, sterile prep of L
lateral thigh. Vet wrap on distal leg, sterile vet wrap once
Incised and bluntly dissected over lateral aspect of leg - due
to distortion my incision was a little dorsal and there was a
little more muscle disturbance than I like. Located the proximal
and distal bone fragments, removed some blood clots from the
fracture site. Chose an appropriately sized IM pin and placed
it retrograde into proximal fragment, then normograde across
the fracture site and into the distal fragment. Pin placement
checked radiographically. 
Muscle closed w/ horizontal mattress pattern; skin in a Ford
interlocking pattern. Both w/ 4-0 PDS
Attempted to place distal cross- pin at a fairly steep angle,
angled proximal to distally. Placed proximal cross-pin at a lesser
angle, felt solid. When checking radiographically the distal
pin had actually slipped into the intra-medullary canal and slid
alongside the IM pin - something I couldn't have done intentionally
if I wanted to!
Removed the distal pin and replaced, to good effect. Bent all
pins parallel to femur, placed splint material to hold together
in an ex-fix. 
LOTS of vet wrap, distraction tabs, and a piece of tape holding
the IM pin to the distal leg gently. Dr Gardner
Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-02-16
Examiner - DR G/ MS/ CD
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
Mild scarring/ gray area medial to pecten
Left eye:
Very mild scarring seen

2024-02-16 12:21 ms

2024-02-16 10:13 ms/me

SQ fluids: 25
Torbugesic 0.16 cc IM
BAR, peched, NOLO

SURGERY (L femur) later today

2024-02-15 17:39 RMB/AH

Food: 36 g M C/U (+ vit + Ca)
SQ fluids: 25
Buprenorphine: 0.40 ml (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BID: Staff grab only: Fluids in right leg only

BARP, Perched equally on legs. All but 2 small pieces of food left, left them in with other FIC.

2024-02-15 10:58 MS

No tx necessary

Collection date2024-02-15
ResultsPOS for
Collection date2024-02-15

2024-02-15 10:08 ME
Leftovers: 29
Food: 38 g m c/u
SQ fluids: 25 cc R leg
Buprenorphine: 0.40 cc (0.6 mg/mL inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.28 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check eyes: OS
Collected fecal
BID: Staff grab only: Fluids in right leg only
Feather lice on towel - sprayed with Bronco
29 g LO

BARP, wasn't bearing weight on L foot, but had both feet planted when kennel door was opened. 29 g LO.

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-02-15
Examiner - ME
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
mild gray scaring medial to pecten, samll area affected
Left eye:
small opaque area on ventral cornea, ~ 7/8 o'clock position, did not take up stain gray scaring caudal/medial to pecten, 10% affected, no retinal pattern dorsal

2024-02-14 14:54 RMB/JH

Food: 40 g CK c/u

2024-02-14 14:34 RMB/JH
Weight: 807 grams, Keel score: 3.0

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: BAR
Other: Standing in box
Mouth: Clean
Beak: clean
Cere: healing wound on cere
Ears: clear
Vent: clean
Body condition score: 3
Left wing: WNL
Right wing: WNL
Left femur: palpated possible fracture
Right leg: WNL
Right remiges: #6 secondary broken impable
Ectoparasites: feather lice


Standing in box, very BAR. Possible fracture in left femur. Rads taken under 3% ISO via mask. Confirmed fracture, very midshaft, swollen. Did not place boot due to standing on and using foot normally. COvered cere wound with collesate. Finished treatment and place KR2.

Fluids: 25 ml LRS
Bupren: 0.48 ml IM
Meloxi: 0.08 ml IM

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-02-14
Examiner - RMB/JH
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
Some pitting and minor gray scarring medial/lateral. No pattern lateral. Weak PLR. Did not want to keep OU open for good view.
Left eye:
Large gray area just medial to pecten. Scattered gray scarring ventral/lateral and small area of detachment.

Version 3.2.0 - 3.18.67 Mon May 06 03:38:06 2024